The pie
I know I said I would give periodic updates of the baking process, but I got sidetracked. Anyway, here is the finished pie. Okay. I’m going to go eat it now. -oni
I know I said I would give periodic updates of the baking process, but I got sidetracked. Anyway, here is the finished pie. Okay. I’m going to go eat it now. -oni
I know I promised that I would only post writing related subjects here, but I can’t seem to separate Halloween from Horror writing, no matter how hard I try. Anyway, I wanted to post a couple pictures of my progress, from start to finish, of my homemade pumpkin pie. I made a few blunders, and
I came across this visual story while searching for different pumpkin recipes. I laughed my a** off and thought I’d post a link to it for others to enjoy. So close to Halloween, pumpkins, horror movies, and candy is about all I ever think about. enjoy -oni
I have just finished a literary analysis of Washington Irving’s, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Well, not entirely, I should be editing it and writing the works cited page. It was a nice paper to work on so close to Halloween. But, the real reason I am posting is to let everyone know that I
Long time no blog. My internet connection has been on the fritz the past few days. Oddly enough, I have gotten ten times the work done during those few days…strange. Well, though I have many other school projects on the table, I am still chock-full of literary specters, and they won’t leave me alone. One
They say bad things come in three. Well, I just got my third rejection letter of my last batch–so that’s that. This last rejection was expected because I sent a horror story to a sci-fi/fantasy magazine. I was having trouble finding a horror magazine that would accept the long word count of the story, so
Everywhere I look there is Halloween candy, pumpkins, and apple related foods. And I love it. I tell ya, is there any better inspiration for a horror writer than the month of October? I think not. Despite being exiled from my work space, having tons of grad work, regular work, and other distractions, I still
The rejections that is. I received another one today for a short literary story I wrote last winter. Oddly enough, that particular story didn’t have any horror elements. It was straight literary. Did that have anything to do with the rejection? Probably not. I set my sights high for this story and sent it to
That is what my writing has produced. Today I received yet another rejection from a horror mag. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised. The piece I had sent them marked the last of the stories I wrote before my “literary awakening.” What is this literary awakening I speak of, you ask? Well, that’s for another time. On
How much writing did I get done this weekend you ask? Well, if you don’t count the many essays for grad school, which I don’t, then nada. I’m not proud. I did bake an apple pie today. You might not believe it, but baking an apple pie actually helps me write. Let me explain– Apple