The Summer of Editing (Plus Cover Reveal!)

With a renewed website on the way, I thought it a good time to reinvigorate my dusty old blog. Frankly, I can use the reprieve, as the past couple months have been dedicated to editing. My first admission regarding editing is this: Most of the time, I actually enjoy the process. There’s a rather satisfying

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Visit me at The Mahoning Drive-In

A Place of Retro Glory A few years ago, my friends and I discovered a beacon of retro glory nestled into the woodland backdrop of Lehighton, Pennsylvania. It’s a land beyond time and place, existing in its own alternate reality where the digital world falls away like the desiccated carcass of cicada. You’d be forgiven

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Time Enough at Last

In one of the most famous episodes of The Twilight Zone, a quiet, bookish man named Henry Bemis finds himself in a peculiar situation (as characters in The Twilight Zone often do). While he’s securely tucked away in a bank vault reading a book, Mr. Bemis becomes the lone survivor of an H-Bomb. After a

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Halloween Comes Early (AGAIN!)

As a huge thank you for the support on my Kickstarter campaign, I decided to release this free CCA Halloween Mask printable.  I’ve attached the full size image, so you can simply download and print for display or use. ***Right hand click and select “save as.”  It should download as the full-sized image.*** The campaign

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Box of Dread Subscribers: Click Here!

Greetings, horror lovers. So, you received a mysterious postcard from Moon Hill, and you followed one of the links here, to my website.  BUT WHY, you scream to the bloody heavens! GREETINGS FROM MOON HILL is a unique project that combines the horror fiction and sculptures of Anthony J. Rapino (that’s me!), creator of the mythic town,

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idol pumpkin god jack-o-lantern Halloween sculpture

Art and Fiction Collide!

Don’t run away!  I know you want to.  I know as soon as you see the word “Kickstarter,” nasty visions of wannabe artists and writers float through your mind, all with their hands extended begging for your hard-earned cash. Push those visages away momentarily.  Instead, picture rewards beyond measure: hand-painted sculptures, exclusive maps, things that

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The Halloween Club

Ever since I started sculpting, I have wanted to create a throwback to the mail-in kids’ club packages I remember from the 80s and 90s.  Those, now nostalgic, sign-ups we’d send in–sometimes with box tops, sometimes with Kool-Aid stamps or product labels–which resulted in a surprise package at our doorsteps. These boxes would contain all

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The Writing Tips App

The Writing Tips App Good writing comes from experience and practice. In reality, there’s no better way to become better at writing than reading a lot, and practicing your writing. There is, however, one way to help speed things up and boost your writing prowess through the help of apps. While it neither tells you

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I recently had the great pleasure of interviewing friend, writer, and all around good guy, Ben Eads, about his new book CRACKED SKY.  If you take any two things away from this interview, they should be as follows: Buy Ben’s book. If there were such a thing as interviewer school, and I attended–I’d fail.  

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1,000 Subscriber Holiday Giveaway

Greetings members, new and old, and the Candy Corn Apocalypse Army!  I’m here today because my YouTube channel has finally reached AND exceeded 1,000 subscribers (1,003 at last count).  To celebrate both this milestone and the holiday season, I’m running a giveaway. The giveaway will run until Christmas eve, at which time I’ll announce the winner.

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