Word Tracker
With great thanks to Andrea, I now have a cool word tracker. Don’t see it? Then you must need glasses. It comes with a mood-indicator as well as word-count. I rather like it (as does Steve). So, if you’ve been following, I have added a little over 1,00 words since yesterday. Not too bad, but
Word Count Trackers (Updated 8/14/2010)
***(Updated 8/14/2010)*** Word Count Trackers I’ve noticed, using google analytics, that a large number of people have found my site searching “Word Count Tracker.” I know a lot of writers like to keep track of word counts for National Novel Writing Month in November (NaNoWriMo) too. I decided I should come back to this old
Novel Progression
I’ve been writing. Not as much as I’d like, but I am writing. I recently stalled out in the 6th chapter, considering a change in POV. I started this novel in the first person. A daunting task, to say the least. It’s not my most comfortable POV (I like 3rd person limited), but I had
another one!?
Well, I wish I had some better news for my return to the old blog–but i don’t. Today brought a 3-day rejection from Heliotrope. This was for a piece that I recently rewrote: “Retired.” The old version had been shopped around quite a bit, and I am hesitant to send this new version to the
And the slump continues…
It’s a lucky thing I stopped numbering the rejections, because this latest batch would have been really depressing to count. I have a 2 day rejection from GUD, for my piece, “Camera Obscura.” And I have a 2 day rejection from Cryptopedia Magazine, for my piece, “The Box of Forever.” Okay, enough of that. My
The Return
So, I figure I owe a nice big update. I will be around again, at least for a few months. It’s officially summer for me–maybe not weather-wise, but school-wise, it is. So, here’s the good news: I graduated with my Masters of Education. The previous semester I received my certification to teach English. So this
Time Flies
To say I have no time for this right now is more than an understatement. I am in my last semester of graduate school and should be, as I type, working on my Master of education portfolio, which is due next week. But then, I’m one of those people who work better under pressure. That,
G Love
Hey everybody. I was thinking. I always talk about books and writing. I even talk about movies. But it’s a rare occasion that I talk about music. Well, today, I’m changing that. Sure, I’ve had a few rejections I can tell you all about, but this is more fun. Today, I want to mention one
Don’t See “Homecoming”
I’ll get to that very telling title in a second. First this: I received a 1 month rejection from The Pedestal Magazine today. There was no notes or anything, just a regular old form reject. It was for a story that I have shopped around quite a bit, and although I particularly like this one,