The Lotion Song
I wish I knew how to post a video directly into this thing, but I’m “too lazy” to figure it out. So follow this link. You wont be disappointed. Click me oh so gently.
I wish I knew how to post a video directly into this thing, but I’m “too lazy” to figure it out. So follow this link. You wont be disappointed. Click me oh so gently.
With very little else to say or do, I thought I’d post some more pictures. For one thing, it justifies my spending $140 on a digital camera. For another, it makes my dreary blog look oh so pretty. Come on. You look at me with a straight emoticon and tell me all that vibrant green
And yet, I post pictures of hummingbirds now. Is it a bad sign when I show a friend pictures of wildlife, and their first question is, “Tony. What did you do to it?” I promise. No harm has come to the hummingbird in these pictures. They’re too damn fast. No need to critique my horrible
This weekend was especially good, because I didn’t get any rejections. I added some wordage to my novel. I’m not totally sure what the increase is, but you can see the total above. It’s a bit hot today. I’m sitting here in my shorts, drinking a beer, and trying to convince myself that I should
Hi again. I know. I don’t post for months, and now, I post three times a day. Leave it to me to overdo it. But I have something important to tell you. I swear. No, I didn’t accidentally eat a poisonous spider. That was last week. And besides, fool me once, shame on the spider,
I think today, I found my way into the groove. Like the needle on a record. Groovy, man. True, what I wrote today only amounts to a bit over my daily 1,000 word goal. But I felt it today. I felt the story get under my skin, and I know that over the next few
When asked if he gets writer’s block, Kevin Smith responded No, I get Writer’s Laze. This, he explained, is basically when he’d rather be watching TV than writing. Well, I’ve got the Laze. In the past three days, I have added less than 1,000 words to the novel, as you can see above on my
So, I had a rejection today from a new magazine called Noctem Aeternus They said it was well received, but not a sale. Though I’m pretty sure it was a form reject. Check out the site. The mag is a free PDF, so it’s worth checking out. Plus, they pay 10 cents a word, so