New Podcast Interview

Dead Headspace Podcast Episode 102 I recently sat down with Patrick R. McDonough of Dead Headspace Podcast for an incredibly fun chat. We even had a surprise drop-in from Todd Keisling to add to the palpable insanity already on display. We talk about everything from sculpture, to Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions, to

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The Corner Store

A Retro Daze Click-back Article Across the street from my apartment building in Brooklyn, there was a row of businesses that helped to define my childhood. The three most important were The Video Store (yes, that was the actual name of the place), The Luncheonette, and the Milk Inn. The following article is all about

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Official Novel Theme Song

Tommy and the Order of Comic Champions As promised, the novel reveals continue with something I’m incredibly excited about. While I was hard at work writing the first draft of the novel, my project partner, Anthony Grate, sought out singer-song writer, Stan Bush to compose a theme song for Tommy and the Order of Cosmic

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On Being a Ghost

Tommy and The Order of Cosmic Champions In October of 2020, a pillar of the retro community approached me to ghostwrite a novel. During a year when most of us already felt like specters haunting empty houses, I was prepared to further vanish into the background of the proposed project. To be the hidden man

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Ink Heist Podcast

Every time I write an article for my webpage, I end up making grand claims about using the news feed more often. I promise articles, anecdotes, and…well, lots of other stuff I never deliver. I’m not sure today’s microscopic blurb makes up for it, but I do hope the resulting hour-plus of pure podcast gold

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Battling the Trolls

Writing wasn’t my first love. When I was younger, I set my sights on becoming a toy designer. The year was 1992, and my friend Thomas and I knew we had something special. We created two unique Battle Trolls designs to submit directly to Hasbro. Our shared delusion of grandeur was so strong, we had

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Happy New Year 2021

A few days ago, I woke up with a clogged, ringing ear. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with ear problems. As a child, I was plagued with ear infections. Painful, stabbing, aching attacks that resulted in trips to the doctor and antibiotics. In one notable instance, some blood dripped from my

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LETTERS FROM MOON HILL: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Friends: Welcome back to October. Our time is here once again, and every fiber of my peculiar makeup is shivering and shuddering in anticipation. Each day is a brilliant, auburn surprise. Every moment is a sliver of autumnal delight. Craggy orange pumpkins have again taken over storefronts and stoops; apples are piled high in baskets

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